Tomorrow Is Another Day

I was doing pretty well on my mission to be a healthier me this past year. I was down a couple sizes, lost a few dozen pounds…look at me go!

And just like that – there it went. I heard the sweet siren song of seasonal savory foods, and then took a whiplash-fast gravy-filled cruise to binge-town, population: Me.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not Krumkaka coma or rosette regrets. We filled our memory banks with all kinds of sugar-dipped treats, salty snacks and alcohol-infused cheer. I regret nothing, well next to nothing, there was a day with almond bark covered puffed corn I’m not proud of. It was a good time with great food and grand memories.

Shockingly, living decadently fast and deliciously free means I did backpedal in my healthy-me progress, but, I chose the yummy backpedal and now I will work through those choices.

If you are like me and celebrated a little too much or played it a little too loose with your food choices, FEAR NOT.

Today I made better choices. By making a healthier dinner, my kids ate healthier, Hubby ate healthier so there is a ripple effect in my household. Tomorrow is another day. I’m going to start stringing good choices together and see if we can’t make bigger ripples.

So if you want some unsolicited, unprofessional, unscientific advice from an arguably unhealthy mom: make some ripples tomorrow because in the words of Scarlett O’Hara, “After all, tomorrow is another day!”

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