Blue Monday

And just like a relish tray before dinner on Christmas, the holidays are gone. Our trees are still up but that’s more of a lack of time than anything. With work, school, shuttling to activities for both adults and children, “take down tree” hasn’t made it to the top of the list. I tried to convince Hubby that a holiday tree would be excellent. We could just keep it up all year and decorate it for the season. He was not overly enthusiastic about the idea. He may have even husband-vetoed the idea (which is the strongest act of disagreement).

Now we are back into our regular-scheduled programming, except when Mother Nature decides to interrupt. The familiarity of scheduling for the children is a plus. We all survived Blue Monday. “Blue Monday” is the third Monday in January. The idea of Blue Monday was pitched in 2005 where the post-holiday blahs, weather, financial stress and everything catches up to you.

There’s a formula and everything that takes into account travel time, delays, time spent on cultural activities, relaxing, sleep time, along with a few other things like weather, debt, motivations levels and time since the failure of one’s new year’s resolutions. This isn’t science. This was more so invented by a travel company for marketing purposes but the idea hangs on…hmmm…kind of sounds like some current-day food marketing doesn’t it?

Because of it’s weather implications, apparently this blue Monday idea only applies to the northern hemisphere. No embracing your inner-Blue-Monday if you’re in the southern half of the globe.

Anyhoo, if you’re feeling a little gloomy or dispirited this week, and are looking for an excuse for an extra nap, date with friends, nice dinner with your tree-vetoing Hubby, or a little extra me-time: bust out the Blue Monday excuse. Even though it’s Wednesday…it’s totally fine. For those interested, the current theory on the most-happy day of the year is June 23rd-ish, so get ready for that!

Now back to my tree, where did I put those Valentine’s decorations…



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